Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sitting on a footstool....

I'm trying to keep up the pace with all that is happening this week. Currently, I'm sitting on a footstool in the back of the Marigold booth at the Chamber's EXPO, hovering over a laptop writing this blog. Isn't technology great.

The question every one is asking me today is "How do you guys do EVERYTHING you do?".

Well, honestly... we end up doing things like I am right now: Sitting on a footstool, huddled in a corner, blogging on a laptop! At 7PM last night our team was in full swing at Chef du Jour at Phil's on Front, 9PM the team is putting the finishing touches on the Expo booth, 4AM we're getting Mary in the Morning ready to roll, then everyone over to EXPO to spread the love. The Marigold e-News goes out this afternoon, hence the blogging in the corner while the team chats with visitors to our booth.

We all love what we do, and I hope it shows. There is never an internal crisis or a"feels like a distaster" moment that doesn't leave us laughing our butts off. We cover as much ground as we can, cut ourselves a lot of slack, bring along as many people as we can on the sweet ride of life and help folks make money and contacts in the process.

You are always welcome to join in our fun, as a listener to Mary in the Morning, a visitor to a Marigold event, a sponsor of either, etc... Do join in!

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