Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Which "Jane" are you?

Last week, I spent time interviewing Michele Dekinder Smith, author of See Jane Succeed: Five Types of Female Entrepreneurs Reveal What it Takes to Win in Business and in Life.She contends that female entrepreneurs usually fall into one of 5 types of "Janes". After interviewing over 3,000 of them, she should know.

You can take her assessment at www.janeoutofthebox.com to find out what type of Jane you are. After talking with her, I think she has nailed down the profiles very well. It's worth your time to check out the site and the book. For each of the five "Janes" there are action plans to overcome the unique obstacles to your success. You may find that you are a Merry Jane, a Go Jane Go, a Jane Dough or perhaps, like me, an Accidental Jane.

When I launched Marigold Women in Business in 2004, my end goal was to produce 6 luncheons for women in business, assist a handful of local businesses in reaching that market and replace my very modest income from a part-time position at the Chamber of Commerce.I had achieved that goal within 2 months of conceiving the idea. That is when I accidentally became the force behind a much larger enterprise. The tail started to wag the dog, the horse was out of the barn before I hitched my wagon to it, you know all of the analogies. 

Accidental Janes find themselves running a business that demands more of them than they expected or in some cases, more than they desired. It may sound like a good problem, but requires a re-focusing of her priorities and capabilities.

Many laid off workers are taking on contract work, or freelancing to keep the wolves away from the door. One day she realizes that she has no time to job hunt because she is to busy working. "Wait," she says, "how did that happen?" That's an Accidental Jane.

What type of Jane are you? Click here to find out

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Fair Factor of a Family Business

I've bumped into one topic several times in the past few days and figure that somebody who follows this blog will benefit. "That's not fair", we all say this as kids when a sibling got some thing or privilege that we did not. Where was the equality????? As parents we do try to be fair with our kids and, for the most part, kids expect that their parents will do right by them. Hence the outrage when they experience a violation of the code.

Fast forward to real life where guess what? Life's not always fair, especially in the work place. Is that bad? Can we still cry "That's not fair!" Nowhere does this issue of fairness become a convoluded contest of contestents and judges of equality over performance than in a family owned business. A very wise working partner in a family business pointed out to me that trouble erupts when you apply the same principles of family life to a business culture. It just doesn't work. Compensation and promotion must be based on performance not the membership card to the gene pool.

Not easy to implement when you have siblings or cousins (of any age) working in the business. Just because you own equal equity does not mean equal compensation.

What to do? Three principles to guide family member/owner income from the family business:
  1. Family members should share equally in business equity, especially if inherited from parents. Any draws on equity should be handled following strictly agreed to policies that are consistently applied to all family member owners.
  2. Compensation (salaries, commissions, bonuses, etc...) for family and non-family should be based on the market value of the employee within your region's economy and circumstances. Inflated salaries for family members will have non-family employees stormin' for the door.
  3. Family members not employed by the business should never receive benefits of employment.
These principles will serve you well in times of "That's not fair!". They will also give non-family member employees a sense of fairness. It doesn't matter if you are 8 or 48, we all want to be treated fairly, if not equally. 

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Final Period

So, what does THE FINAL PERIOD mean to you:
Noun    1.    final period - the final division into which the play of a game is divided
division, section, part - one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; period of play, playing period, play - (in games or plays or other performances) the time during which play proceeds; "rain stopped play in the 4th inning"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
My final period, is, well, exactly that, my last period. I'm having a hysterectomy in a few weeks and my next period will be my last. Believe me when I say that I am so past baby making this is not going to change any family building plans I may have had. As pleased, thrilled, excited as I am to have this monthly ritual with me, I do feel that it is a milestone worth noting.

There are few things in life that you can be sure are the LAST time you will experience them.
"This is the last time I'm splurging on shoes!"
"This is the last time I am going to eat a chocolate cake in one sitting"
"This is the last man I'll marry"
This is for sure the last time I am going to get cranky and emotional, be dogged by cramps and bleed so heavily I can't leave the house. Woo-Hoo! No more making sure I have a tampon in my purse, just in case.

Since humankind began, religions and cultures have marked the milestones of our lives like weddings and bat mitzvas. You've also heard me advocate for gatherings of friends and loved ones for business closings and divorces. I just think closure and public recognition are important. 

In this spirit, I have chosen to have a Final Period Celebration. I think other women would do the same if they only knew when it was going to happen. It is a bit dicey planning this soiree because I don't know precisely when it will happen, darned that I'm not regular. This is a party hostess nightmare!

I'm picturing centerpieces made from a variety of feminine hygiene products. A friend today suggested I serve Red Velvet cake.One thing for sure... Bloody Mary's will be available. Aw come on, you knew it was coming!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Today's Aha! The Power of Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Today’s ‘Aha!’ The Power of Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone!

I just returned from a 10-day trip across Israel. This trip required my husband and me to step outside our comfort zones and fearlessly expand our understanding of others. This was my first time abroad, and many friends and family asked, “Why in the world would you go to Israel?” My answer: “Why not!”

I experienced three valuable “Aha!”s from this trip, all of which inspired me to dig deeper and uncover the “hidden life lessons” just waiting to be found.

First, I have a new appreciation for archeology and the science of uncovering the past. It was absolutely mind-boggling to see, touch and learn about how people lived more than 3,000 years ago … yes, I said, “3,000 years ago.” To be honest, I could barely appreciate what our Founding Fathers sacrificed for our freedom, let alone wrap my mind around the lifestyles of people that lived 1,000, 2000 or even 3,000 years ago. I am now inspired to travel and learn more about other cultures.

This leads to my second “Aha!” This trip opened my eyes into the ancient and current cultures in the Middle East. I now also understand the conflict that continues to take place, and why this part of the world is in so much turmoil. Frankly, prior to this trip, I simply blocked out much of the news reports that came from the Middle East. Perspective adds clarity, and I also gained a new understanding of what is written in the Bible and because of the profound religious significance of the area. Words that I never paid much attention to in the past have a completely new meaning. I can now envision trips through the desert and understand what the land of “milk and honey” truly means and looks like. As a result, I have a deeper understanding of the teachings in the Bible.

My third “Aha!” is that people around us are filled with valuable life lessons and wisdom. We simply need to take the time to uncover these treasures. Let me explain. My husband and I stepped way out of our comfort zones, not only by taking this trip, but by traveling with a group of 33 people who we didn’t know. For nine days, we spent nearly every waking moment with this group, so we had the time to really get to know one another … on the bus, scaling mountains or simply breaking bread. Honestly, it never dawned on me that I could learn so much from these fellow travelers. While we had many things in common, we had more differences. Most of the travelers were much older than we were, and they shared deep stories about their personal triumphs and tribulations, including death, divorce and illness. Without the distractions of daily life, cell phones and e-mail, we were able to take the time to understand the wisdom they shared on life’s true priorities.

Overall, I returned home with an intense sense of curiosity to uncover the valuable lessons in other cultures, the Bible and create stronger relationships with my friends and family. I’m inspired to slow down, take the time to truly learn how to intentionally apply and share these valuable lessons. Hopefully I have inspired you to step outside of your comfort zone, open your mind and learn from those around you.

Robyn Marcotte
Aha! Leadership LLC.
Skype: robyn.marcotte