Sunday, November 30, 2008

FAQ - The Purchase of Marigold by YOU-FM

Questions for Mary about the sale of Marigold to 1067YOU-FM

Q: Does this mean that the new Marigold Director, Karyn Hertel, will be taking over Mary in the Morning?
A: Well, then it would be Karyn in the Morning and they would have to re-do even more logos. So, no, I think I'll keep doing that. But you can definitely expect Karyn to join us in the studio to keep listeners up to speed on all of the great opportunities for women with Marigold.

Q: What are you going to do now?
A: Are you kidding? I'm still doing the morning show, waking up at 4:30AM each day. This transition means a 40 hour week instead of a 90 hour week. As I recall, I have a husband and children I'd like to meet up with. I will still be at the podium at every Marigold event, selecting our speakers and providing the vision for Marigold.

Q: Is there going to be a party?
A: YES! It is in the works, and you will be the first to know the details.

Q: How will things change for Marigold Women in Business?
A: As a Marigold subscriber, you will have many new ways to market your business and yourself. Look for new ways to contribute content to We are expanding the range of sponsorships to offer lower priced options for smaller businesses. You will also have greater opportunities to network with women outside of the Traverse City market.

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