Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Compliment?... The Other Side

I think I received a compliment the other day. "I love your radio show, you really $%#@! with my head." Hmmm. The listener went on to explain that she will think that she knows her position on something and then, darn it, we go and make her see the other side of it.

Well, let me share with you that, since the show started, I too have had to see the OTHER side of things. You will notice that although I can be pretty outspoken, I don't want to completely alienate women who may be of a different philosophical world. I would hate to lose a loyal listener over one topic. But I need to be true to my heart. Sticky stuff, still learning how to do it. Advice welcome and encouraged.

We are all faced with this dicey situation during an election season. I recently asked for suggestions of Dream Speakers for a survey. Anyone suggested more than 3 times made the cut. When the survey was posted I received some very nasty comments that there were no conservatives on the list, too liberal and I was biased. Not my list. What is a girl to do?

Monday, September 1, 2008


I believe I am an "over-shaker". I shake hands with students, little old ladies, the paper boy... I'm a shaker, always have been. Every so often, I detect a level of discomfort from the shaken one. Have I misjudged the appropriateness of the shake? How do YOU feel about shaking hands? Is there a male/female rule about this business of shaking hands? Do you shake hands at a baby shower?

Bill Marsh, Jr. and I recently had this conversation. He wondered how customers at his dealerships, females in particular, would feel about a salesperson offering their hand for a welcome shake? Too personal? Intrusive? Neighborly? Bill also shared this article on shaking hands. I think you will find it interesting

I told him that I am a bad measure for most women on this one, I'm an enthusiastic shaker.

How do YOU feel about shaking? Please share your thoughts!