Sunday, May 11, 2008

The blog is back

blogHaving a blog is a very strange thing. You put some thoughts in writing, post it for the world to see, and hope somebody somewhere finds it at least a bit interesting.

I took the blog down for a while because radio industry folk had taken over the conversation. When anonymous sound engineers started using my blog to criticize me and my guests on the radio show, etc... it stopped being any fun. I have a pretty thick skin, but my guests and friendly blog contributors shouldn't have to be subjected to nasty remarks.

So, here we go again!


Sister Honey Bunch/Judi maloney said...

Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

To steal from Hunter S. Thompson with a twist, "The radio business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side."

Mary, this is the nature of the beast of radio. Not everyone is nice. When you quoted certain stats about your station that were later proven not to be accurate, you brought out many armchair programmers who love nothing more than to bash on message boards.

My advice? Tune them up more by ignoring them, but always make sure that when you take on them bragging rights, you got your facts straight.

Good luck and I am looking forward to reading your material in the future.