Saturday, April 26, 2008

Five Questions of Mary

Which came first, Marigold or Mary in the Morning?
Marigold in 2005, the radio show 2007. Marigold offers face-to-face interaction with women, which I will never give up.

Do you own Mary in the Morning?
No! I am an employee of Northern Broadcast. This was their idea, not part of my plan whatsoever. I was shocked when they approached me with the idea. I thought they were crazy!

Where did you get your radio experience?
Listening to Ron Jolly (WTCM) and Terry Gross (NPR). I admire Ron Jolly for his generosity in making sure all of his guests sound good. Terry Gross is a great role model for asking the unexpected question.

How early do you wake up?
4:45AM. It isn't pretty. The first hour of the show is pre-taped the day before, so I don't get to the studio until 6:30AM.

Is the show just for women?
When we started it was, not anymore. A funny thing happened: Men loved the show and at least half of our callers are men. Naturally, because my co-host Lori and I are both women, we offer a female perspective to issues and topics. This has been a bit of an experiment for management, and I truly appreciate their risk with a female talk host.

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