Today’s ‘Aha!’ The Power of Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone!
I just returned from a 10-day trip across Israel. This trip required my husband and me to step outside our comfort zones and fearlessly expand our understanding of others. This was my first time abroad, and many friends and family asked, “Why in the world would you go to Israel?” My answer: “Why not!”
I experienced three valuable “Aha!”s from this trip, all of which inspired me to dig deeper and uncover the “hidden life lessons” just waiting to be found.
First, I have a new appreciation for archeology and the science of uncovering the past. It was absolutely mind-boggling to see, touch and learn about how people lived more than 3,000 years ago … yes, I said, “3,000 years ago.” To be honest, I could barely appreciate what our Founding Fathers sacrificed for our freedom, let alone wrap my mind around the lifestyles of people that lived 1,000, 2000 or even 3,000 years ago. I am now inspired to travel and learn more about other cultures.
This leads to my second “Aha!” This trip opened my eyes into the ancient and current cultures in the Middle East. I now also understand the conflict that continues to take place, and why this part of the world is in so much turmoil. Frankly, prior to this trip, I simply blocked out much of the news reports that came from the Middle East. Perspective adds clarity, and I also gained a new understanding of what is written in the Bible and because of the profound religious significance of the area. Words that I never paid much attention to in the past have a completely new meaning. I can now envision trips through the desert and understand what the land of “milk and honey” truly means and looks like. As a result, I have a deeper understanding of the teachings in the Bible.
My third “Aha!” is that people around us are filled with valuable life lessons and wisdom. We simply need to take the time to uncover these treasures. Let me explain. My husband and I stepped way out of our comfort zones, not only by taking this trip, but by traveling with a group of 33 people who we didn’t know. For nine days, we spent nearly every waking moment with this group, so we had the time to really get to know one another … on the bus, scaling mountains or simply breaking bread. Honestly, it never dawned on me that I could learn so much from these fellow travelers. While we had many things in common, we had more differences. Most of the travelers were much older than we were, and they shared deep stories about their personal triumphs and tribulations, including death, divorce and illness. Without the distractions of daily life, cell phones and e-mail, we were able to take the time to understand the wisdom they shared on life’s true priorities.
Overall, I returned home with an intense sense of curiosity to uncover the valuable lessons in other cultures, the Bible and create stronger relationships with my friends and family. I’m inspired to slow down, take the time to truly learn how to intentionally apply and share these valuable lessons. Hopefully I have inspired you to step outside of your comfort zone, open your mind and learn from those around you.
Robyn Marcotte
Aha! Leadership LLC.
Skype: robyn.marcotte